Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Confederate White House

The White House of the Confederacy

Located in Richmond, Virginia, the gray-stuccoed mansion built in1818 was home to a succession of wealthy families throughout the antebellum period.  This building has earned a unique stature in American history for its role as the Executive Mansion of the Confederate States of America from 1861 to 1865. The official residence of President Jefferson Davis, his wife Varina and their children, the house was the social, political and military center of the Confederacy. The home has been meticulously restored and is open for guided tours daily.     The Museum of the Confederacy


  1. What a fascinating building! To me, it looks more like a bank than a home.
    Thank you for taking part in this latest Festival of Postcards - and your official registration is complete.
    Thanks, Evelyn

  2. Thanks again for participating in the Festival. You'll notice when you visit that there were two classical buildings this time - yours and Lydia's (Writerquake).
    The Festival of Postcards (6th Ed.) White was published yesterday afternoon here:
    When you get a chance I hope you wil copy that url into your post to allow for easier navigation by readers.
    Thanks and have a great day!
    Evelyn in Montreal

  3. Thank you Evelyn - the hot link has been updated.
    Happy 2010!
