Saturday, January 30, 2010

Surname Saturday - Searching Kent County, England, UK

While trying to fill in some missing pieces of our Cassingham ancestry in Kent County, England, I came across:
There is so much information available here
                   - - The bonus: no suscription fee required.

Searching this site I found some new and interesting facts to add to our family history:
Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent:

Listed under Gentry:
Casingimm, Mrs., Oak's place

Listed under Traders:
Casingham, Miss Hannah, Milliner

Under Churchyard Monumental Inscriptions - Tenterden:
Jane CASSINGHAM of this parish died 28th April, 1833, aged 77
Richard CASINGHM died 11th November, 1866, aged 72. Mary his wife, died 15th December, 1848, aged 53. Two children Samuel and David died in infancy. Left surviving three sons and four daughters. Also Sarah, 2nd daughter of above died 23rd October, 1875. Hannah Cassingham died 17th March, 1910, in 69th year.

Plus an unexpected bonus find:
Under Kent Will Transcripts - Pre 1858
I located:
William Castell of Margate, St John the Baptist, Thanet, mariner, will dated 24 April 1807
My son William Castell of Margate, cordwainer and William Adams of the same place, painter to be "Executors Admors and Assigns".
My dear wife Sarah Castell - to have income from the estate in her lifetime.
Son William Castell to receive a legacy partly for the bringing up of his "lawful issue".
From the estate fifty pounds is to used "to pay the creditors of my son Thomas Castell who will not have access to capital and part of the estate must be used to the bringing up of any "lawful issue" he may have in the future.
Witnessed by Robert Edward Hunter MS/Thomas Chapman atty Margate/ James Rossway clerk to Mr Chapman
Codicil dated 17 Aug 1815.

"Whereas since the date and execution of my will hereintofore written and bearing the date the fourth day of April 1807 my son Thomas Castell has been for a considerable time in his Majesty's service and absent from this kingdom and during this time the wife of the said Thomas Castell cohabited with another man and has been delivered of a child Now I do by this codicil to my will direct and declare that neither such child nor any other child which may be born to the Wife of the said Thomas Castell unless they shall hereafter habit together as Man and Wife and any Issue of their bodies shall be born who may become considered as lawful children shall take any ...(blank) nor any Interest in or benefit under my said will..."
Witnessed by John Pickering// James Clarke// Thomas Chapman".


  1. Thank you for this website! My ancestors are from Kent and I will be using this often.

  2. Good reminder of the many free sources that continue to grow, as well! Thanks for sharing.

    Keep these ancestor stories coming!

    Bill ;-)
    Author of "13 Ways to Tell Your Ancestor Stories"
