Friday, February 5, 2010

Follow Friday - Keeping Records of Records

On this snowy Follow Friday I am taking advice from Gena's Genealogy
and scanning the few family clippings of newspaper obituaries that I have.

The one shown here was one of my first 'sources' when I first began putting together our family tree.  I received it as a teenager, and it was in a magnetic album - a big no-no these days as they are not archival safe.  Unfortunately it cannot be removed as it is permanently stuck to the page.

Gena's Genealogy blog reminded me of that clipping and that I needed to scan the image in order to save it in another format.

Another box checked on my To-do List.  ;-)

Scanning images - old photos, obits, funeral cards, etc.. allow us to share the treasured bits we all accumulate.
Sharing old photos that are often very rare and passed down a singular line, allows us to disseminate the images with other family members and cousins who may have never before seen these treasured pictures of their relatives and ancestors. 
 -- Most importantly, doing this provides a valuable form of backup in case of loss.


  1. Speaking of archival no-nos - I have so many old family albums, both my own and those I inherited from my mother, that violate just about every one. Preserving and archiving them is going to be such a headache....

  2. You may be able to get the clipping out with the use of a hairdryer. I've had many successes that way. I started with the lowest heat setting and moved the hairdryer slowly over the clipping. If it didn't soften the "magnet," I increased the heat, little by little. Only once did it not work.
    Nancy from My Ancestors and Me at

  3. Thank you for the helpful hint.
    I have more than a few things in these old albums that need assistance.
