Sunday, March 28, 2010

Occupation: Victualler

A victualler is traditionally person who sells food or other provisions; a purveyor of spirits; innkeeper. A licensed victualler refers to a the landlord of a public house or similar licensed establishment.

Chiefly in British reference as shown below for our English ancestor William Dean: an innkeeper

Conveyance (lease and release) for £100 -  10 and 11 Mar 1775:
Richard Sharpe of Stone in Oxney Kent yeoman (only son of TS in AMS5834/10-12) to William Dean of Appledore Kent victualler as AMS5834/8 now in 2 dwellings, late occupied by William Noakes, now William Collins and John Kesford Bounds as AMS5834/8 except E: John Smith; S: James Lamb; dower of Ann Richard Dean widow of TS, now wife of WD excepted
W: H Waterman, John Woollett

1 comment:

  1. Just the other day I found a relative in an 1851 business directory. It was laid out by occupation and then a list of names. The heading where I found my relative was ''Butchers and Victuallers''. I had to look up the meaning of Victualler which then made sense because I already knew that he was a butcher and an inn/tavern keeper but I still can't figure out why this directory grouped the two occupations together? Interesting!
