Monday, November 28, 2011

The 1722 Inventory of Andrew Job's Estate


An Inventory of ye Goods & Chattels of 
Andrew Job Lately Deceased 
Being of ye Township of Notingham In ye County of Chester
To his wearing Apparell .......................09 16 00 
To Sundry goods in ye Parlor ..............26 00 06 
To Sundry goods in ye Closet.............. 03 11 00 
To Sundry Utensils in ye Midle Room 04 09 00
To Sundry Goods up Staires................ 08 04 11 
To Sundry Utensils in ye Cellar ...........02 17 00 
To Sundry Moveables In ye Kitchen.... 05 12 00 
To Sundrys In ye Shop .........................03 00 00 
To Sundry Utensils About ye Plantation 09 10 08 
To his Stock of Cattle, Horses & Hogs 
Upon His Plantation............................ 62 03 00 
To ye Corn growing Upon ye Ground 30 00 00
                                    Sum Total 165 04 01 
Notingham, ye 9th day 
of ye 4th mo 1722
              A True Appraisement By us
                        William Brown Senior 
                        Samuel Little 
                        John Churchman


  1. Isn't it interesting to see what possessions people had, and especially how important the various objects were considered?

    Where did you find this, and was Andre Job an ancestor of yours?

  2. Love these inventories....they provide such a glimpse into the lives of our ancestors...

  3. Yes, he is our ancestor. An 8th g-grandfather...if I counted right. :-) I am away from my laptop right now.
