Thursday, March 1, 2012

Once again amazes ...

Years ago I ordered the microfilmed church records for Oszlop, Veszprem, Hungary, from the Family History library and laboriously went through them trying to locate records related to our Bauman ancestors & associated family.
Now, much to my excitement, they are transcribing these microfilms making the information available at  Woohoo!

With 309 initial search results based just on Bauman's in the town of Oszlop, it looks like I have some fun times ahead!

(click to enlarge)

Hungary Catholic Church Records, 1636-1895

Index of baptisms of the Roman Catholic Church in Hungary. Church records are the property of the state and are stored in the archives of the various Hungarian counties under direction of the National Archives of Hungary [Országos Leveltár] in Budapest. Included in this collection are some baptism records from localities which historically belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary, but because of changing political borders now belong to other countries. Records may appear in Hungarian, Latin and German.
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