Thursday, September 13, 2012

Illinois State Archives: Civil War Muster Database

 is a free, searchable database that contains the transcription of each soldier's entry in the Muster and Descriptive Rolls containing information on over 285,000 soldiers from Illinois who served in the Union Army during the Civil War.

Each entry includes all of the information that was recorded in the original Muster and Descriptive Rolls including:  soldier's name; rank; age; height; colors of eyes, hair, and complexion; occupation; marital status; birthplace; residence; date, place, and term of enrollment; name; name of mustering officer; date and place of muster out; name of mustering-out officer; and remarks concerning transfers, promotions, injuries, or special duty.

In this database I located the brother of our G-Grandmother Arra Amanda Bacon:
 John N. Bacon.


  1. Wanted to let you know this blog post is listed on today's Fab Finds post at
