Thursday, February 7, 2013

Philadelphia Deed Book Indices

- an online guide for locating those little treasures found in the Philadelphia Deed Book Indices 

My find for the day:

1692 D E GRANTEE2/070-18/000017

In 1692, Edmund Du Castell purchased a lot from Anthony Morris.

"This lot of ground purchased from Joseph Wood, extended from Front Street to Second Street, being 396 feet in length.  It was disposed of by Anthony Morris in two portions.  The upper (northern) portion, measuring 20 feet in width, he sold to Alexander Beardsley in 1688, and the remainder, 31 feet in width he sold to Edmund Du Castell in 1692.  Edmund Du Castell in the same year, re-conveyed to Anthony Morris the western half of the strip, measuring 30 feet 9 inches in width and 196 feet in length "to run with a straight line cross from the said Morris his back garden fence.""
(The Morris family of Philadelphia, descendants of Anthony Morris, by Robert C. Moon. Published 1898)

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