Friday, March 12, 2010

A Casteel Obituary - Served Three Ways

Long, Medium, and a Short Summery of sorts - What format suits you best?
Name of Deceased: CASTEEL, Joseph M
Name of Newspaper: Daily Enquirer
Date of Obituary: May 17, 1911

Obituary: Joseph M. CASTEEL of Hettick Came to Macoupin County in 1854 Joseph M. CASTEEL, an old and highly respected citizen of Hettick, departed this life Tuesday at 11:20 p.m., his demise occurring at the family home. He was aged 75 years and 2 months. His wife and seven children, and one brother and one sister survive him, all of whom reside in the Hettick vicinity except one daughter, Mrs. Pashal BROWN, of Carlinville Township. Funeral services will be held at the Hettick Baptist church Thursday at 10 a.m., after which the remains will be taken to Charity church where a short service will be held, interment following in Charity cemetery. Rev. FITZGERALD of White Hall and ENGLAND of Girard will conduct the services. Joseph M. CASTEEL was born in Blount county, Tennessee, March 10, 1825. When his parents migrated to this state and to Macoupin county in 1854 he came with them and they settled on a farm in Bird Township. On April 8, 1859, our subject was married to Miss Minerva A. LASTER and nine children blessed their union, seven of whom, as stated above, survive their father. After his marriage Mr. CASTEEL rented land in this county for awhile and then bought a small farm near Shiloh church in Bird. After two years occupancy of this place, he sold it and purchased the farm near Hettick where he spent most of the remainder of his life, removing a few years ago to Hettick. He was a Baptist, strong in the faith and his political views were embodied in the principles of the Democratic party in the support of which he was earnest and aggressive.

Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer, Weekly, Carlinville, IL
Date of Obituary: MAY 24, 1911, page 10

Obituary: Joseph M. CASTEEL, the subject of this sketch, was born in Blount county, Tenn., March 10, 1836, and departed this life at his home in Hettick May 16, 1911, aged 75 years, 2 months, and 6 days. With his parents he came to Illinois October 1854, and settled in Bird township, Macoupin county, in which place he continued to reside until October 1908, when he removed to the village of Hettick, where the Angel of Death visited him. Father CASTEEL professed faith in Christ in the year 1855, but did not unite with the church until April 1876, when he united with the Charity Baptist church and was baptized by Rev. J. J. BRISTOE. Later he went to the organization of the Oak Grove Baptist church in 1879 as a charter member, and was ordained deacon the same year and he bore one-half of the church's expenses for four years. When the Oak Grove and Giliad churches united, he was received as a deacon where he faithfully served until death. He was united in marriage to Minerva A. LASTER April 8, 1859, and to this union nine children were born, namely: Four sons, Douglas, Robert E., Joseph E., and Samuel J.; and five daughters, Dora JOINER, Jennie VAUGHN, Minnie BROWN, Mollie STULTS, and Lulia A. CASTEEL, and of these two preceded him in death, Douglas of adult age and Lulia A. in her infancy. Father CASTEEL was a kind and loving husband, father and neighbor, was always found doing what good he could, not only to his own immediate relatives, but also to all those about him. He leaves to mourn their loss, his wife, seven children, twenty--three grandchildren, one brother, J. P. CASTEEL and one sister, Martha A. PULLIAM, with a host of other relatives and friends. Their loss is his gain. While a voice has been hushed on earth, heaven has been gladdened by another coming home. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Cary FITZGERALD of White Hall at Hettick and by Rev. Wm. ENGLAND of Girard at Charity church after which he was laid to rest in Charity cemetery, where many generations of his family sleep.A precious one from us is gone A voice is hushed and stilled. A place is vacant in our home That never can be filled.

Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer, Weekly, Carlinville, IL
Date of Obituary: MAY 24, 1911

Obituary: Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Mr. Joseph CASTEEL were Mrs. Martha PULLMAN, Mrs. C. C. COURTNEY, and Mr. Wm PEEBLES of Waverly; Florence MAHONEY of Springfield; Mrs. Adarine BOYD of Carrollton; Mr. and Mrs. Coy ROACH, of Girard; Mr. Burton CASTEEL, of Benton; Mr. and Mrs. C. B. COURTNEY, Mrs. George ARNETT, Mr. Joseph BIRD, Mr. and Mrs. Foss GORE, Mrs. Viola DEEDS, Mrs. Abbie Seaman DEEDS, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MINTON, Mr. and Mr. Hugh LOVELESS, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin CALHOUN, Mr. and Mrs. Chris BEST, of Carlinville, and Mr. Thos ENOS, of Palmyra.