Friday, March 12, 2010

The Wills of Two Nances

Ancestors, Reuben Nance and his father, William Nance, of Virginia, both left wills that listed slaves by name.  These are shared below as part of the Carnival of African-American Genealogy theme: Restore My Name – Slave Records and Genealogy Research
Perhaps those researching slave records can find a generational connection between the slaves named in the two wills.

WILL OF WILLIAM NANCE In the name of God Amen: November the 17th, 1770. I, William NANCE, of the Parish of Meherrin in the County of Brunswick, being of sound disposing mind and memory, thanks be to Almighty God fo r the same, calling to mind the uncertainty of death and that all men must yield thereto when by God required, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament as followeth to wit: I bequeath my soul to God who gave, hoping and trusting in the Merit and Advocacy of my Blessed Lord and Savior Christ for the remission of all my first follies and offenses, and my body I commit to the Earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my executors hereinafter mentioned, and as touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bestow on me I shall dispose in manner following, after all my lawful debts are paid.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Isham NANCE and his heirs forever, two hundred acres of land lying in Mecklenburg County adjacent to Reuben NANCE and William Fox, also one negro fellow named Harry, one pott, two chairs, bed and furniture, thirty pounds in money and the third par t of my stock of cattle.
Item: I give unto my son John NANCE and to his heirs forever the tract o f land I now live on, also three hundred and ninety acres of land lying in Mecklenburg County adjacent to Drury Malone and Edward Epps, also my negro wench Winney, a negro girl named Judy, one brass lock gun, one feather bed and furniture, two chairs, one chest and the third part of m y stock of cattle.
Item: I give unto my son Reuben NANCE and to his heirs forever two hundred acres of land whereon he now lives being the upper part adjacent to Richard Warthin, also my negro boy named Cook, a negro girl named Luse, one cuba gun, a mare named Pigion, also a new market coat and the third part of all my stock of cattle.
Item: I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Glover and to her heirs forever one negro girl named Phillis, a white horse, a fourth part of a negro girl named Hannah (when sold) and five sheep.
Item: I give unto my daughter Tabitha NANCE and to her heirs forever on e negro fellow named Frank, one bed and furniture, five head of sheep, a mare named Poll, a fourth part of a negro girl named Hannah (when sold) .
Item: I give unto my daughter Mary Lanier and to her heirs forever one negro boy named Emmanuel, five sheep, and the fourth part of what my negro girl sells for, also eleven geese.
Item: I give unto my daughter Sarah Lanier twenty pounds money, one negro girl named Doll (now in her possession), a negro girl named Sarah, a lso five sheep, and a fourth part of my negro Hannah (when sold) to her and her heirs forever.
Item: I give my Sagathy coat to John Lanier. My will and desire is that my crop of corn and tobacco be sold to pay my debts, like I desire that all the remainder of my estate (except my hoggs) that I have not heretofore mentioned be sold, and after my debts and funeral charges is paid, that the remainder part be equally divided amongst my three sons; Isham, John and Reuben.
Item: I give all my stock of hoggs to my son John NANCE. I do hereby appoint make and ordain my three sons, Isham, John and Reuben my sole executors of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the d ay and year above written.
his William X NANCE mark

Reuben Nance, the son of William Nance, was born c. 1749 in Brunswick County, VA.

Will of Reuben Nance was dated 10 Jan 1812 and proved 9 Mar 1812 in Henry Co., VA.:

To wife Nancy Nance negro Benn, cow and calf, bed and furniture to
dispose of at her discretion. To wife Nancy for her use during her
natural lifetime or widowhood negros: Isaac, Dyder, Will, Hester, Jury,
Martin, Simon, Joe and Janey also a wagon and team, still, all
plantation tools, cattle stock, land, plantation house, furniture and
the mill. My desire is that my old stock of negros should be divided
between my oldest family of children that I had with my first wife viz:
son William Nance, deduct $175 pd him, son Bird Nance, son Allen Nance,
son Clement Nance, son Joseph Nance, daus Mary Crouch, Susannah
McCulough and Tabithia Shackelford, the following negros, Bess'
children, George, Peter, Moses, Bob, Rachel, Jiney and Gill. As to my
son Isaac Nance, son John Nance, son Reubin (sic) Nance, son Isham Nance
and Dau Sarah Sandford I have given each of them their part as follows:
son Isaac has received one hundred pounds, son Isham one hundred pounds;
son John received negro Amy; dau Sarah Sandford a negro named Liza; son
Reuben (sic) negro named Lucy. The balance of my estate to my last
children: Stephen Nance, Peyton Nance, Sarah Philpott, Edmund Nance,
Lessonla (sic) Nance, Nancy Nance and Reuben Saunders Nance. Appoint
Benjamin Jones as exor. Wit: John Conaway, Edward Richardson, John
Lovell. Thomas Starling, Joseph Gravely Sr sec for Benjamin Jones.


  1. This is great information. Thanks for sharing it in this 1st CoAAG. I'm sure some researcher(s) will find it helpful.

  2. T,
    I have just come in from a visit to the Calvary Cemetery in Norfolk, where several of my ancestors are buried. While there, I rode around to the older part of the cemetery, just scanning the names on the headstones. One name that caught my eye and made me stop was NANCE. I wanted to take a picture, but I'd left my memory card at home. I don't recall the first name, but I do remember exactly where I saw the headstone. If you think this would be of interest to you, let me know. I would be glad to go back and get more information and pictures for you.


    Here's the cemetery info:

  3. Renate,
    Thank you so much for the very kind offer, but the small portion of the Nance line I know of is not tied to Norfolk. I will take note of your observations though because one never knows what future research will bring.

  4. Thanks Theresa for contributing to CoAAG & sharing the Nance Wills. I am working to get CoAAG contributions moved to A Friend of Friends in the hope a NANCE descendant will find the records through their search.

    Thanks for being AFoF!:-)

