Friday, January 14, 2011

Acts of Genealogical Kindness:Transcription of Baptism Record

Below is a transcription of the baptism record from the parish of Lavaltrie, Quebec, of Pierre Robillard seen in the previous post.

Bonjour Theresa,

Yes, the act is about twins. Here is the translation :
Margin: B(aptims) Pierre and Marie Robillard.

Act : On January 30th one thousand eight hundreds and thirty, by we priest "curé" undersigned have been baptized Pierre and Marie born today from the legitimate marriage of Jacques Robillard, farmer in this parish (in this parish is written in the margin), and Marie Payet. Godfather of Pierre was Pierre Harnois and the godmother Charlotte Robillard. Godfather for Marie was Laurent Robillard and the godmother was Thérèse Hénault, whom with the father could not sign.
(signed: H. Gagnon ?)

A very special "Thank You" to Pierre - my 'go to' person for French translations!
It is so kind of you to take time out of your day to assist in my genealogy related queries. It is very much appreciated.
~ ~ ~


  1. Ahh it's Payet. Why didn't I see that? Having genea-friends who can speak and write fluently in french helps a lot when you're researching those pesky French Ancestors, ha ha... Have you ever thought about posting a query to the Rootsweb Quebec-Research List in regard to your Robillard/Ducharme marriage? There's a lot of good researchers there who would be more than happy to help.

  2. It is such a God-send to have someone who can interpret not only the language, but decipher the handwriting of the past, which is so radically different from today's. (And my kids can't even read my parents' handwriting, which was very neat and easy-to-read. It's because they NEVER read anything handwritten today.)
    I have scores of letters and diaries written in an ancient German script and have found a 90 year old German woman who has deciphered more than 40 of these precious letters for me -- including my grandfather's diary of his trip to America (12/24/1910) and hundred-year old letters between my as-yet-unmarried grandparents. I can translate the German, but could not read the writing. What a gift!
    Congratulations on solving your translation!
