Monday, January 10, 2011

Seeking French Canadian Research assistance

Identifying Pierre Robillard

For a while now I have been trying to determine the parentage of Pierre Robillard.  We have a birth date from his death certificate (son, Charles, was informant) of 27 Jan 1830 - place of birth: Canada; parents: Unknown
We also have from census records that he was born March 1831, Canada.
A daughter has in her 1891 census record that her father was born in Quebec.

Pierre (aka Peter/Petre) married Philanese/Philomene Ducharme (b. Nov 1836)- c.1856 place unknown.
I have not been able to locate a marriage record...yet.
To date, finding more information on these two ancestors has been frustrating.
Today, though, I located a baptism record that might be a match for our Pierre. 

The baptistm record is dated 30 January 1830 which would fall in line for a 27 January birth.  I am excited...this could be the break I have been searching for, but again, I think more information is needed to confirm it as belonging to our Pierre.   
Any thoughts, hints, or suggestions?

Below are the known children of Pierre (Peter) and Philomene (Ducharme) Robillard:
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  1. I had a quick peek on Ancestry to see what came up for Pierre.

    There is a marriage in 1849 for a Pierre Robillard and a Henriette Charron Ducharme.

    Possible connection?

  2. Thank you for looking but unforutanlately I believe that is another couple, as they are listed in the 1871 census with different children. There are several Pierre Robillards and Philanese Ducharmes and that is whats making individual identification so hard for me!
    Again thanks for looking into this lovely mystery.

  3. I have an ancestor who had three names Marie Valerie (Valere) Pomela. She went by Ella, and it took me a long time to find the record since Pomela (the name she was known by) was NOT her first forename.

    Do you know where in Quebec they came from? If so, you can request a look-up here:

    Even though most of this info is on, I found that having another person do the look up was faster. Somehow I was just not getting the search results I needed in order to find the right records. This has happened to me several times, where I will plug in the right names and dates, but months later is when I get the hit...using the SAME INFO I PLUGGED IN! A little infuriating to say the least.

    Anyway, I had great correspondence with the couple of people I used from the above website.

    Good luck!

  4. Have you contacted Michelle Robillard, the author of the blog "Call me Shell"? at She is a whiz at Robillard and French Canadian genealogy.

  5. Yes - Michelle & I have chatted a few times and we stay in contact. I've got feelers out everyone for this puzzle! :-)

  6. I've given you the Ancestor Approved Award. Your diligence in leaving no stone unturned is impressive. You can learn more about it and get the image at this post on my blog:
    I didn’t see the Award logo on your site. If you've already received the award, and I missed it, well here ya go again. No obligation to redo the list nor find 10 more blogs.

  7. Just a quick comment about this baptismal record. I believe this a double bap. Pierre & Marie Robillard, each with their own set of god-parents. It's strange though. Because in my experience, usually, when twins are baptized there are two separate entries in the register and each child is noted in the record as being a "jumeau." Maybe they weren't twins.. Hmmmm. What parish is this from?

  8. The parish is Lavaltrie. That is an interesting observation. I will send of copy of this to a French Canadian researcher I know to transcribe and see what he thinks. Thanks!

  9. Cool let me know what he says. Here's my rough translation:

    On 30 January one thousand eight hundred thirty we the undersigned priest have baptized Pierre and Marie born this day to the lawful marriage of Jacques Robillard farmer [unknown word] and Mary [unknown name, could be Forget?] The godfather of Pierre is Pierre Harnois and godmother Charlotte Robillard. The godfather of Marie is Laurent Robillard and the godmother Therese Henault. All of whom along with the father did not sign.

    I think I got that last part about no one signing messed up a bit. I think it says, "qui avec le pere n'ont su signer" but I could be wrong. Both chidren born the same day, so they were twins?.
